The Hookah Cleaner - Total Hookah
Care Cleaning System
The Hookah Cleaner™ (THC) Signature Series
: Featuring our Total Hookah Care™ Cleaning SystemTHC Brand™ Products are
the first and only line of concentrated hookah care product specifically
designed to clean and deodorize your hookahs in seconds.
Total Hookah
Care™ Cleaning System has the right product solution for all your hookah
cleaning needs.
T – Black Label – Exclusive Patented AbrasivAction™
Cleaning Technology. Eliminates the need for soaking and scrubbing.
H – Clear Label – Exclusive
Concentrated Formula : RinseAction™ Formulated for Daily Use. Keeps hookahs
sparkling clean on the inside.
C – Frost Label – Exclusive Metal
Polishing Formula PolishAction™ TrueShine Technology. Keeps your hookahs
shining on the outside.